
Family {Carnation, WA child and family photographer}

Family. Our dear friends for life. This is what these beautiful people mean to Jeff and I.

Carrie and I have known each other for YEARS and years. Seriously. She was LITERALLY the first person I met when my family moved from Kansas to Seattle in 1989. Her and the neighborhood posse strolled on up to our house, as we were unloading from the moving truck. A shy wave hello. Introductions. And, the rest, as they say, is history.

Kindred spirits, you ask? hmmm... I think we would describe our relationship more like that of being sisters. Some days, I think we have SO very little in common. Other times, we read each other like a book. And, at times, boy do we argue like sisters. These comical tiffs always seem to end with a pinch in the side and some snide remark to each other. Years from now, I am sure that we will be those bickering old ladies you see sitting on the park bench, arguing with each other about which toothpaste is the best for our dentures. And, as EVERYONE knows, Carrie will have an opinion about it=)))

All joking aside, Carrie has been my best friend through it all. We have grown up together. Counseled each other. Helped pluck each others eyebrows together. Cried. Laughed. Peed while crying, while snorting m-n-m's through our noses upside down. Gabbed about dating horror stories together. Stood by one another as we wed our husband's. Birthed babies together (well, not in the same room at the same time, BUT our kids ARE only 3 weeks apart). And, just walked through life together.

Through it all, our families remain tight. Our men share the same hobbies and our kids might just end up getting married down the road=)... then, I guess that would REALLY make us sisters, somehow, yes?=)

Anyway, I was honored to take their family photos on Saturday evening and vice-versa! Joel is a photographer as well, and I humbly say that he has been one of my photography mentors and teachers throughout my own journey. So, we got all snazzied up and found ourselves a sweet little park with freshly fallen brown and gold leaves and had ourselves a little party. A photo party. People walking by, must have thought we were CRAZY trying all sorts of antics to get our kids to look at the camera and flash a smile! WOW. Hard work.=) But, a lot of fun!

SO, without further ado, I give them their sneak peek... enough of my late night ramblings=)


Mellu September 30, 2010 at 10:32 AM  

gorgeous Kelly and Carrie!!

Mellu September 30, 2010 at 10:32 AM  

gorgeous Kelly and Carrie!!


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About This Blog

Kelly is a natural light photographer based out of Monroe, WA, serving King and Snohomish Counties. Kelly specializes in Maternity, Newborn, Children's, Family, and Senior portraiture. She offers the convenience of travel to your home or to any Northwest outdoor location.

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